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The Best Laid Plans

Sidetracked. AGAIN.

Well, I had this whole thing written up about the next “big” project I would be working on for a few months. But then, I got sidetracked by the world of Crimson. That world is like a weed. Just when I think I have it under control, it just finds a spot in my brain and starts to grow.

I’m going to have to blame the good dark fantasy stuff that has come out recently. Between The Sandman and House of the Dragon, I’ve been in a very happy place. I mean, both have given me a mega creativity boost and I’m loving it. I’m not sure how much my husband has been enjoying it, though! I don’t mean to neglect you, Nate!

(On the note of HotD: I was super worried I wouldn’t be into Matt Smith playing Daemon Targaryen, but dude is just Slay-All-Day! He’s no longer just my beloved 11th Doctor and I ain’t mad about it.)

Both Bait and Delighted Bite are available on Amazon and Smashwords. Cursed will be dropping next Tuesday, so I’m excited about that. This is the first time I’ve given Xan a real backstory. Hell, I didn’t even know why he was cursed to begin with. I know now, though. It’s not pretty.

On top of that, I’ve decided to give Amazon Vella a shot. Something about writing in a series kind of feels good. It’s about the brothel that Dena’s aunt owned. So far three episodes are up and the next one is due to drop on the 8th. Episodes 1-3 are free. Amazon gives you 200 free tokens upfront. You could use them to read the 4th episode when it releases hint hint.

I have to say, Vella writers are really friggin’ nice. I joined up on a couple of Facebook pages and everyone is really quick to share and like links. I went from no reads to almost 20 reads in less than an hour. It warmed my heart.
I’ll be getting back to my dragon story eventually. Hey, maybe that could be my next Vella project. We’ll have to see.

In the meantime, I’ll be neck-deep into my Crimson stories. Up next will be Hell-Bent which will feature everyone’s favorite blonde devil, Mammon. I have to say, it’s hard getting in the mind of an asshole. WISH ME LUCK!e

Until next time. Keep Your Mind in the Gutter!

A Bit of E.D.Beale History

Old Blog Stuff Getting a Second Go

Image by anncapictures from Pixabay

I mentioned before I’ve been blogging off-and-on for YEARS now. A lot of it has been forgotten. Some things I almost want to bring back. I used to do this thing where I’d write a Letter to a Hot Guy on Sundays that part of me wouldn’t mind bringing back.

Anyway, while poking around on my OneDrive, I found an archive of some of my old works. I think I’ll post one of those every so often.

And Today is THE DAY

Let me start off by saying I’m a huge Star Trek geek. My one and only tattoo (so far) is of the Starfleet insignia on my upper back. It was part of my whole “might as well have a mid-life crisis” phase. It looks great, though I’m told I overspent on it. Ah well. In these hard times, I’m okay with dishing out a little extra while I have it. People gotta eat.

Anyway, I was beyond excited for the 2009 Star Trek when it came out.

Told you, been blogging for a minute, now. Still, having fun when I do it, so why the hell not?

After the movie, this happened. Remember, this is 2009 Erica, not 2022 Erica. There is Star Trek fanny fiction included. Please forgive the errors!

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Book Reviews Are Coming

I Can Read Good (Sometimes)

Image by Jo-B from Pixabay

You know how it is when you’re writing something. You get in your head with all the world-building and character-creating.

It gets crazy.

But, in order to be a better writer, you have to explore many other worlds. That way you can get a feel for your own sense of storytelling style.

Since I’m in the process of starting a leap into reverse-harem tales, I’m going to start reading a few. I’m thinking one a month right now. And when I’m done, I’ll post a review. I’m hoping it helps me in my endeavors.

Plus, smut is awesome. The more the merrier!

Upcoming Reviews

Signs of Cupidity: Book 1 by Raven Kennedy

The Last Fae is DONE

Well…the first phase of DONE, anyway…

After working on my story for around a decade now, I’ve finally finished up TLF. It was a total weight off my shoulders to get it finished. It’s been on my goal list FOR YEARS. It’s in need of some TLC. I’m still in the process of revamping the world since I borrowed the original world from a friend of mine and it’s way past time for me to do my own thing.

Also, it’s not exactly long enough to be its own novel (right now it’s sitting at 61,815 words). My current goal is to combine it in a volume with the next tale The Demon in Her Skin. That one is still a wreck, but it’s getting there.

I’m feeling good about myself. TLF was one of my major goals to complete while I was 40, and I DID IT! Man, it felt amazing to finish the last sentence. I cried about it. No shame.

Eventually, after I’m done with The Demon in Her Skin, I’m going to rewrite the story to make it happier. That’s Erica’s Problem for Another Day.

In the Meantime…

There are a few bits of the story I really enjoy rereading. They’re not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But I wanted to share one of the parts I especially like. It’s towards the end of the book. Not a lot of context is needed, I think.

Let me know if you’re interested in more story bits!

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Fast and Dirty, Just Like you Like It

Don’t forget to read my writing page to get the skinny on the eggplant ratings!

Quickie 2: Mistress | Quickie 3: Fingers | Quickie 4: Birthday Stuff | Quickie 5: Chocolate Treat | Quickie 6: Sweet-Tooth

Quickie 1: Red Delicious


Her tongue rolled over her deliciously full red lips in a smooth motion.  The movement said it all.  She liked the taste of him and wanted even the last drop.  She ran a finger underneath her bottom lip then brought it to her mouth, sucking away the left-overs.  That wonderfully wet-glossy mouth spread into a smile of the darkest delights.

“Did you like that?” she whispered as her hands moved up his inner thighs.

He could only nod at first, finding his breath lost in ecstasy.  Their eyes met. His were glazed and sleepy; hers darkly mischievous.  The man knew that she could see into his soul and knew everything he had to hide.  He had wanted this, but not like this. Still, he couldn’t lie.

“Yeah, I liked it.” he murmured.

She maneuvered her body between his stretched legs, sliding her arms around his waist and putting her chin into his chest.  He watched her head bob up and down with his breath even though he desperately wanted to look away.  But she demanded his attention and he gave it fully.

“Anytime you want,” she said then licked those full lips, again, “all you have to do is ask.”

Her hand reached over the spilled contents of her purse.  She grabbed a white card. 

“All you have to do is call,” she told the man as she ran the card along his arm.

She placed the card inside of his exposed tank top beneath an opened silk shirt.  With a fluid movement, the woman stood from the couch.  His eyes followed her with an ache.  He didn’t want to be alone.  Not after all of the exquisite delight she had given.  She wouldn’t stay and he knew it.  He couldn’t let her stay even if she had been willing.

When she turned away, he closed his eyes.  There was a stinging behind them that frightened him.  He wouldn’t cry in front of her.  He couldn’t.

“I’m not going to call you,” he told her, finally. His voice wavered in his own ears

She turned to him with that smile, “Okay.”

The woman sounded like she didn’t believe him.  As she walked out of the door to the home, he had to admit to himself that he didn’t believe it either.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Written Works of EricaB

Ready for a quick, smutty read?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

My stories come in several different categories and ratings:

  • Quickies: Just a little blurb of a story at less than 1,000 words. Usually quite dirty and to the point.
  • Short Stories: Stories that are a little more involved, somewhere between 5,001 and 20,000 words. Most likely dirty, but it may just of a romantic variety without the smut. These are works published elsewhere like Smashwords.
  • Excerpts: A bit of one of my longer stories I’m working on (with hopes and dreams of completion). Likely to be a long read riddled with appropriate inappropriateness.
  • In progress: My current BIG project. Character bios, wild ideas and excerpts are all equally possible. Most likely won’t be dirty, but you never know!


Innocent: Romantic, but devoid of smuttiness. Nothing wrong with a little romance once in a while!

Dirty: Most of the smuttiness is hinted at, but not super descriptive. Best read with a glass of red wine.

Filthy: D**ks and T**ts flying everywhere and going into all kinds of places. Probably NSFW. This is cigar and whiskey sort of stuff, friend!


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