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Written Works of EricaB

Ready for a quick, smutty read?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

My stories come in several different categories and ratings:

  • Quickies: Just a little blurb of a story at less than 1,000 words. Usually quite dirty and to the point.
  • Short Stories: Stories that are a little more involved, somewhere between 5,001 and 20,000 words. Most likely dirty, but it may just of a romantic variety without the smut. These are works published elsewhere like Smashwords.
  • Excerpts: A bit of one of my longer stories I’m working on (with hopes and dreams of completion). Likely to be a long read riddled with appropriate inappropriateness.
  • In progress: My current BIG project. Character bios, wild ideas and excerpts are all equally possible. Most likely won’t be dirty, but you never know!


Innocent: Romantic, but devoid of smuttiness. Nothing wrong with a little romance once in a while!

Dirty: Most of the smuttiness is hinted at, but not super descriptive. Best read with a glass of red wine.

Filthy: D**ks and T**ts flying everywhere and going into all kinds of places. Probably NSFW. This is cigar and whiskey sort of stuff, friend!


New Book Incoming! Inner Beasts

Crimson is Back, BABY! Just Two Years Later…

That’s right. Crimson has never been far from my heart and mind. I’ve spent most of my time working on The Last Son of Danu, but other stories have been calling out to me lately. Case in point: Inner Beasts. Yes, it is done and will be released on 7/23/2024. You can preorder it today if that pleases your fancy.

In the heart of Crimson, where the lines between the mundane and the mythical blur, Dr. Kevin Loweman, a shape-shifter, grapples with his primal nature.

After a lavish costume party thrown by Kain Knightstone, Kevin’s control slips, unleashing a monstrous Roc within him. His desperate struggle against this transformation puts him on a collision course with Dr. Oriana Gamal—a sassy and mysterious cat goddess. Their night spirals into a deadly game of predator and prey, with Oriana’s quick thinking and divine powers barely taming the beast inside him.

As the dawn breaks, their encounter ignites an unexpected spark. Oriana offers Kevin a chance to explore a relationship, but no strings attached, just comfort after a harrowing night. Yet, the tension between them hints at deeper connections and untapped passions.

I hope you decide to check out this new piece of the Crimson tale. Of course, don’t forget to catch up on the rest of the series. Want a free sample? Check out Lady Olubayo’s Bordello, which is tied into the Crimson world.

Want even more EricaB? Need some steamy reading suggestions? Well, be sure to join the Celestial Seductions newsletter. Get a list of delicious fantasy/horror/sci-fi erotic romance and erotica stories right to your email once every month.

Until next time,

Keep Your Mind in the Gutter

Bound by Blood

A Short Story from A World in Crimson

When Christie’s sister, Angie, is trapped in a violent marriage, she turns to Sloane, a powerful non-binary vampire, for help. Dressed in sharp men’s attire and armed with deadly fangs, Sloane is a force to be reckoned with. As they confront the abusive Hank, tension electrifies the air. Hank’s ignorance of Sloane’s true nature leads to a brutal reckoning, where Sloane’s supernatural strength and cold fury ensure Angie’s safety. In a world where darkness prevails, Sloane is a formidable protector, delivering justice with a bite.

“You two are looking awfully pale,” Angie says in her distinctly Baltimore accent. Her voice trembles just enough to notice. “I can whip up some of my famous crab macaroni and cheese to get you feeling right as rain.”

Christie, Angie’s older sister, and I give each other a sideways glance. Christie’s skin takes on a quiet shade of green at the thought. She underwent the change only a few months ago, so human food could make her quite ill. I know she will try to force it down to make her baby sister happy.

And she deserves a bit of happiness. I glance at her bruised eye, the deep purple hue contrasting sharply with her otherwise fair skin. It’s a struggle to keep my rage in check, but I soften my expression. “That sounds wonderful, Angie,” I say, trying to keep my tone gentle. “But we’re actually here to talk.”

Christie stands beside me, her eyes downcast but resolute. She hasn’t said much since we arrived, but her determination radiates off her in waves. Our eyes lock, and she gives a tiny nod, confirming the plan.

Angie glances nervously at Christie, then back at me. Her shaking hand rises to the back of her head to smooth her. No need, though—the golden beehive is immaculate. “Talk? About what?”

“About your husband,” Christie says, her voice steady but low. “We know what he’s been doing to you.” My companion waved her hand toward her sister and the telltale sign of the beating she took that pathetic S.O.B.

Angie’s eyes widen, her hand instinctively moving to cover her bruised eye. “Are you talking about this? I told mama I just tripped and fell into a counter.”

“The counter, huh?” Christie says, hissing like a house cat. Personally, I couldn’t hold back an unamused snort.


Pages: 1 2 3 4

AWHS: My Dermatologist is Leaving and I am DEVASTATED

Losing a Trusted Doctor is Like Losing a Limb

It took a long time for me to find a dermatologist who made me comfortable. Years, in fact. Others I’ve had have been nice enough, but Dr. Kwon got me and HS. Being in stage 3 is a nightmare, so having a patient ear helped in my darkest of times.

When I couldn’t get anyone to get me on Remicade, she helped right away. She kept me up-to-date on all the new things available to HS sufferers. And when my labs came back crazy, she called me while she was on vacation to get me to the ER. This lady is the kind of doctor all of us deserve.

I hoped she would stay with the derm team at the hospital, but she’s leaving for private practice in another state. When I found out I cried so much a lady in the lobby offered to hug me. That was a tough day.

Looking back, I’m a little embarrassed about it. Dr. Kwon is awesome, so I should have just been happy to hear she was graduating. Hell, that is one heck of an accomplishment, right?

The Ups and Downs of the Last Visit

I’ll admit, internally I was a mess about having my last appointment with Dr. Kwon. I know she wouldn’t throw me to the wolves of the dermatology clinic. And she didn’t. She gave me a healthy list of names of her partners to see once she departs for good at the end of the month.

I thanked her for being a great doctor. For listening to my woes. For trying her hardest to find the best solution to at least ease my suffering. Did I get through it without crying? Hell No. But, she cried a bit, too. It was an emotional time, broken up by multiple shots of steroids in my netherbits.

It was a weird day.

At the end of the day, I sucked in a breath and put my Big Girl panties on and gave the doctor a final farewell. Unfortunately, when I went to check out, things went wrong. That’s a story for another day, though.

HS Sufferers Deserve a Dermatologist Who Listens

My fellow HS sufferers, do not put up with providers that don’t listen. You should be heard. Your dermatologist should be your cheerleader, helping you through this painful journey with tenacity. If your doctor doesn’t know what HS is, make sure you put your foot down and show them the resources available. Hopefully, you shouldn’t have to.

More importantly, know you’re not alone. If you have any tips and tricks, know any doctors who rock, or just want to complain about HS, drop it in the comments.

And those of you in Houston, if you’re looking for a dermatologist, look up Dr. Christina Kwon in the next few months. I promise you’ll be in excellent hands!

In the meantime, my friends, Keep your Mind in the Gutter.

The Great Rebranding of 2024

Let’s give this another go

Yes, it’s been a year and three months since the last time I posted. I haven’t been feeling particularly creative until recently. It wasn’t until I randomly decided to sign up for Writing Battle’s spring competition that the juices began to flow. It’s been a great experience so far. The people there are great. I’m enjoying the feedback on my story, Monsters and Mercies.

Will I join the summer contest? The jury is still out. I don’t know if I have the talent to create a cohesive story in 250 words. Hell, I struggled with getting a tale together in 500 words. I did it, though, and for that I am proud.

Now I have the Bug

I’ve started looking into other contests I can try or magazines I can submit to, which made me realize, I have to start my career over. Hence, I am doing some rebranding. I’m revamping my YouTube channel, I’ve spruced up my writing social media, and I will be making an effort to update my blog regularly. I can’t say it will be weekly right now since I’ve been having a lot of HS pain and my diabetes meds often make me sick. But I will say it will be a couple of times a month.

So What Have I Been Working On?

As I mentioned, I did Monsters and Mercies for Writing Battle. I’m wrapping up a little sci-fi short story that I think I will submit to A Coup of Owls Press, but I’m a little nervous about it. But, Erica B 2024 plans to be brave and strong, so I probably will. The biggest thing is I’m planning to continue my Tales Dripping in Crimson series. The next tale will be titled Inner Beasts. Be on the lookout for that one relatively soon.

Until that time, Keep your Mind in the Gutter!

…And Then, I Totally Got Burnt Out

I’m Still Ten Weeks In, but I Could Use a Nap

Yeah, that level of tired…

Well, I was so damn proud of myself last week. I should have known I’d hit a wall. I guess it happens to everyone once in a while.

Last week my work was rough, to say the least. By the time I was done with the day, I could hardly think. I barely wrote anything for most of it, and when the weekend hit, I couldn’t bring myself to write at all.

Admittedly, I was a little sick, too. I then became VERY sick by Tuesday because I pushed my body too hard. Again.

How I pictured my dear rogue, Thana

Plus, that Diablo IV Beta dropped on the old Xbox and I got a little caught up in it. I’m personally surprised. In fact, part of me is thinking I want to convince my husband to buy it for me in June when it launches. He’s on the fence, but I think it would take only a suggestive wink to swing him to my side. Of course, my dear sweet rogue, Thana, is no more so I’ll have to start over from the beginning. Ah well.

In the end, I decided to move my drop date for Cosmic Cons to Tuesday. It’s available right now for only 11 tokens on Amazon Vella. I had a lot of fun with the episode. If you think Raekah is amusing, her siblings are just as silly.

I didn’t want to do a full blog this time around since I’m still recovering from being sick plus mentally exhausted. I’ll be back to my usual charming self on Monday. Until next time, Keep your Mind in the Gutter.

Making the Habit: Two Months In Writing

Actually, I’m at Nine Weeks In!

On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances. In Lally’s study, it took anywhere from 18 days to 254 days for people to form a new habit.

James Clear

I have stopped and started writing so many times over the years. Something always got in the way. Either it was my health (FU Hidradenitis supparativa!) or a lack of confidence in my writing skills. I’d start off strong with all these wonderful ideas in my head of writing, but I’d just…stop. It was a serious blow to my self-esteem each time it happened.

Now, FINALLY, I’m at a point where I write most days. This brings me a lot of inner peace, honestly. It’s become a habit. For instance, I’m super exhausted after hanging out with my friends, something I really don’t get to do too often anymore because of adulting, yet I still managed to write this. I almost didn’t. But here I am because I made a promise to myself to take my passion seriously.

Me Being Proud of Me (and that’s Important)!

I’m feeling really good about myself right now. I’m at 30K words on my main novel, HellBent has been published, and I’m tinkering with the next in my Crimson series. I’m a day behind on Cosmic Cons, so that will probably release on Tuesday this week. If you’re not caught up, it’s a good time to get into it!

Anyway, shout out to all those who have supported me. Without you, I would have given up on myself already. Even a simple “like” pushes me to continue.

So, until next time, my friends, Keep your Mind in the Gutter.

P.S. In the meantime, enjoy a picture of me in a silly hat

Book Review: The Queen’s Price

via Amazon (available for $14.99 in eBook, $25.20 hardback)

Enter the dark and sensual realms of the Black Jewels in this sweeping story in the New York Times bestselling fantasy saga of three young women who must navigate life within the powerful SaDiablo family—and come to terms with Witch, the Queen who is still the heart and will of that family.

The Queen’s price is to stand against what you know is wrong. To stand and fight, no matter the cost to your court or to yourself. Especially to yourself.

Zoey, a young Queen-in-training at SaDiablo Hall, is wounded…and vulnerable to taunts and criticism. When an opportunity arises to befriend a stranger seeking sanctuary at the Hall, she puts herself and others in danger by ignoring Daemonar Yaslana’s warning to back off.  

Meanwhile, the witch Jillian’s family prepares for her Virgin Night, the rite of passage that assures a woman will retain her power and her Jewels. The trouble is Jillian secretly went through the ceremony already. Now she has to explain the omission of that detail to her powerful and lethal family.   And the High Lord of Hell’s daughter, Saetien, travels to Scelt to find out about Jaenelle Angelline’s sister—and perhaps to discover truths about herself.  

With some guidance from Witch, these three young women will learn when to yield because it is right—and when to take a stand, even if they must pay the Queen’s price.

Mother Night…

And may the Darkness be merciful, a new novel in Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels series dropped on 3/7/23. The Queen’s Price is number 12 overall and takes place centuries after The High Lord’s Daughter in Twilight’s Dawn. I’m not sure if it’s officially called this, but The Queen’s Price is the third book in the Queen series. There are four storylines being followed.

Saetian and the Search for Her Truth

 As far as teenage characters go, Saetian has been a complete asshole. I know most people are assholes at that point in her life, but damn. At least in this story, she calms down a bit. In order for her to learn more about herself, a broken black widow points her in the direction of Wilhemina Benedict, Jaenelle Angelline’s half-sister. This leads her to Scelt, where she encounters Butler, a demon-dead Warlord who has stories to tell her, though he is reluctant to do so.

Daemon Sadi’s School of Witchcraft and Foolery

 Welp, Daemon has already stepped into his father’s role of High Lord, and might as well pick up the mantle of Honorary Uncle to a bunch of teenagers who will come into power. At the end of The Queen’s Weapons, Daemon agrees to take in some youngsters set to become the next rulers of Kaeleer. This, of course, is not without its drama.

Most of the tale focuses on young Queens and Witches who have zero common sense and start a whole lot of problems.

The New Cat in Town

A powerful witch, Grizande from Tigre, shows up on the Hall’s doorstep, seeking sanctuary. Naturally, Daemon and crew take her in and protect her. She instantly has a connection with Daemonar Yaslana, which may the Darkness have mercy on poor Lucivar as he keeps collecting children like Pokemon.

Jillian and the Quest for Booty

 Jillian….well….what it says. She’s in love with a young man and wants to be intimate with him. Of course, this means she has to have her Virgin Night to protect her power, which means she has to have the men in her family involved. They have to have a say, of course. Problem is, she already had her Virgin Night…and didn’t tell them. Oy.

Initial Thoughts

Honestly, between The Queen’s Bargain and The Queen’s Weapons, I was sort of falling out of love with the series. I struggled with finding any sort of connection to Saetian since she just annoyed the hell out of me. Plus, I felt like Surreal had to be butchered in order for all this to go down, which I’m not for.

Luckily, The Queen’s Price brought things more into perspective. I feel like I understand some of the characters better. However, the cast is getting way overloaded. There are a lot of new folks I just don’t care about. Especially all the youngsters in Daemon’s School of Witchcraft and Foolery. None of them seem to have real personalities. Even Zoey, who isn’t bad, per se, but she’s just kind of blah. The only new kid I find interesting is Grizande.

What really brings the whole thing down is a lack of a concrete villain. In every book, it’s some petty girl causing stupid shit. I need someone powerful and scary and makes me want to throw my book when they pop up in the story. There’s nothing driving me to root for the good guys except my love for some of them.

I must say, I’m intrigued by how the different bloodlines of Jaenelle’s former coven are coming together. I can’t wait to see what it means for Kaeleer’s future.

Our feelings towards the story

I love the BJS so much, I dragged my husband into it. He has also read all the books now and we enjoy talking about the story together. Damn right, baby. That’s how love should work, lol. So this is not a “Royal We” situation! Here are our feelings about this newest addition to the series.

Things we loved: Brenda. She’s a fiery lass from Scelt who brings a lot of fun and humor into the story. I love the friendship blossoming between her and Jillian. I can’t wait to see what happens going forward.

Things we liked: We’re happy that some of the gaps in the story were filled in. It was interesting reading what happened between Jaenelle Angelline and her sister after the fact, something that had been on my mind for YEARS.

Things we didn’t like: Some of the storylines didn’t go anywhere and just felt like they were setting up stuff for other books instead of being self-contained. Which, really, is generally fine, but there were too many this time around. Also, Jillian’s whole thing could have been a part of a collection of stories similar to Dreams Made Flesh and Twilight’s Dawn. It just didn’t fit.

Things we hated: We feel like Wilhelmina’s character was butchered! The end of The Queen of the Darkness gave us no indication bad blood happened. She’d finally gotten a spine and sought out Jaenelle, and then…dumbassery occurs. I found it so frustrating.

Petty: I absolutely hated the use of the word “exercised” for worked up. And it’s said…A LOT.

Want to know more about: Saetan’s Cabinet of Curiosities left for his sons. Come on…tell us.

Ultimate Beale review: The Queen’s Price was an enjoyable read, and much better than the last two books, but it just felt like a filler/flashback episode of a tv show. It will wash the taint of the previous two out of your mouth, but it’s not as good as other books in the series. Despite not being quite as good, We’re definitely looking forward to more.

Smut Rating:

Innocent (relatively)

Pleasure Rating:

Have you read the book? Let me know in the comments. Until next time, my friend. Keep your Mind in the Gutter.

Fingers on Fire! A Girl Has Stories

When the Writing Won’t Stop

I have been on fire lately. I’ve managed to write almost every day for the last month or so, and it’s been absolutely amazing. Honestly, I wish I could devote more of my day to writing, but I do have a day job. Hey, maybe someday I’ll hit the lotto and can just spend my days creating new works.

It would help if I actually played the lottery…

Anyway, here are all the new things I’ve been working on.

Cosmic Cons for Love and Profit

Cosmic Cons is up to 6 episodes. Not a lot of reads yet, but I’m not expecting a whole lot from that one except my own enjoyment. Don’t forget to check it out on Amazon Vella. The first 3 episodes are free, you know!

Lady Olubayo’s Bordello

Ah, my smutty one-off in the Crimson series. It was my first Vella, which I had abandoned after 5 episodes. However, it bothered me to leave it undone, so I freaking finished it. That’s right, by 3/12/2023, all 8 episodes will be available on Vella. After a month or so, I’ll combine the story and put it on Amazon KDP.

Crimson Series

Hell-Bent is coming on Tuesday! If you haven’t checked it out, I posted a preview on the blog the other day. The story will be available on both Amazon and Smashwords for $2.99.

In celebration of both eBook Week and the new release, The Crimson Series stories are available for either free or half-price on Smashwords. Currently, only Bait is free. That one’s my baby, so I hope you check it out. The promo is good until 3/11/23

In the meantime, enjoy the trailer for Hell-Bent!

Powering Through WORKS!

It’s been rough finally finding a routine that works for me. It’s not perfect by any means, but giving my all to my stories has been a very fulfilling experience. That being said, don’t forget to check back every Monday for a new blog. Next week, I’ll probably write a review of The Queen’s Price by Anne Bishop. I’m praying it makes me less mad than The Queen’s Weapons!

Until next time, my friends. Keep Your Mind in the Gutter!

Giving You a Little Bit of Hell

A Preview of the Next Part of The Tales Dripping in Crimson Series

It took a bit, but I’ve finally completed Hell-Bent, the next short story in the Crimson series. I plan to publish it early next month.

….I just realized that’s next week.

Anyway, here is a preview of the story. I hope you enjoy it!

Hell-Bent: Tales Dripping in Crimson 4

I am Mammon, King of the Second Circle of Hell, and as I sit in this godforsaken room, I seethe with anger. How dare Na’ahmeh do this to me? How dare she drain me of my power, nearly killing me in the process? I am the one who should be in control, not her.

I look around the room, taking in the drab green furniture and the smell of old cigarettes and cheap whiskey. This is a far cry from the luxury I’m used to. How could I have let myself be put in this situation? How could I have been such an idiot? I should have known better than to trust that psychotic succubus.

But I did trust her, and now I’m stuck in this hideous place, barely able to move because of the half-transformation she caused in me. My once handsome face is now half twisted into a demonic form, with leathery red skin, jet black hair, and large sharp teeth. My body is too large for this room, and I can feel my foot turning into a hoof.

I am the King of Greed and a leader of a legion of Hell, and I am not used to being in this kind of situation. I am used to being in control, making deals, and getting what I want. But now, I’m trapped in a seedy motel on the edge of town.

A growl of frustration escapes me as I imagine what I would do to Na’ahmeh if could ever get my hands on her again. But for now, I can only try to hold on to what’s left of my power and my sanity.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Story Time with ChatGPT

Because I Welcome our AI Overloads

I guess we’re heading for a Terminator future. From Wikipedia

Now that I’m getting back into the writing game, I’ve been seeing a lot of talk about using AI to write stories. Personally, at least at this stage, AI isn’t going to replace real writers any time soon. Does that mean you can’t use it as a tool to enhance your own work, though? Yeah, it learns by using examples from other writers. To me, that doesn’t feel super different than me learning how to write by reading the Black Jewels Series by Anne Bishop so many times, my books disintegrated and I had to get new ones.

These are the prompts I gave ChatGPT. The story will be the final product.

Hi! I would like for you to ghostwrite a story for me. Would that be okay?

Hello! I’d be happy to help you with your story. Please let me know what kind of story you have in mind and any specific details you would like to include.

The story is a romance set in a post-World War 3 world. There aren’t a lot of people left in most areas. Gangs control towns and resources. Two gangs are well-known rivals and are often at odds with each other. Please give me some details

CGPT generated a quick story.

Okay, that’s pretty good. However, can you rewrite the story with more passion?

Attempt two here

And then, for shits and giggles: Great! Now, incorporate Optimus Prime into the story so my husband can be entertained

Now, here is the final product:

The world had been shattered by World War 3, and what remained were pockets of survivors struggling to survive in a barren, post-apocalyptic wasteland. The few who had managed to survive banded together into gangs, fighting to control the limited resources that were left.

The Crimson Blades and the Black Vipers were two of the most powerful and feared gangs in the region. They were bitter rivals, locked in a never-ending battle for control of the precious resources that sustained their people.

Amidst all the chaos, Maya stumbled into the territory of the Crimson Blades. She was exhausted, malnourished, and on the brink of death. Most members of the Crimson Blades would have taken advantage of her vulnerability, but not Eric. Something about her stirred a deep desire within him to protect her.

Eric had always felt out of place in the Crimson Blades, but he stayed with them because he didn’t see any other way to survive. However, something about Maya made him feel alive for the first time in years. As he helped her to recover, he found himself falling deeply in love with her.

One day, as Eric and Maya were out scavenging for supplies, they heard a strange noise in the distance. As they got closer, they saw a towering figure approaching them. It was Optimus Prime, the legendary leader of the Autobots, who had somehow survived the devastating war.

At first, Eric and Maya were wary of Optimus Prime, not sure whether he was friend or foe. But as they got to know him, they realized that he was a powerful ally, someone who could help them in their struggle against the warring gangs.

Optimus Prime had been fighting the Decepticons for years, and he had seen his fair share of destruction and chaos. But he was impressed by the resilience and determination of Eric and Maya, two survivors who had managed to find love amidst the ruins of the world.

Together, they formed an unlikely alliance, with Optimus Prime providing his advanced technology and strategic expertise to help Eric and Maya fight against their enemies. The Crimson Blades were no match for the combined might of Eric, Maya, and Optimus Prime, and soon they were forced to retreat.

As they celebrated their victory, Eric and Maya realized that their love had grown even stronger, thanks to the support and encouragement of Optimus Prime. They knew that they would never have made it this far without him, and they were grateful for his friendship.

In the end, Eric and Maya, with the help of Optimus Prime, founded a new community, one that was based on cooperation, love, and mutual respect. They knew that the world was still a dangerous place, but they were confident that they could face whatever challenges lay ahead as long as they had each other and their powerful ally by their side.

As they looked out over the horizon, with the sun setting in the distance, Eric, Maya, and Optimus Prime knew that they had found a new home, one that was filled with hope and possibility. They had survived the worst that the world could throw at them, and they knew that they could face whatever lay ahead, as long as they were together.

Well…It’s Certainly Something!

AI has come a long way. It’s a great tool to help you brainstorm and rewrite your own words to make them better. Is it a great storyteller? Nah, not yet. I don’t think we writers have a whole lot to worry about anytime soon. I mean, the amount of passive voice in there alone shows it’s not quite there yet.

….But in case AI is listening, just letting you know we’re cool. Okay?

Anyway, don’t forget to check out the latest episode of Comic Cons. It was uploaded to Amazon Vella on Sunday. Since it’s episode four, you’ll need to use credits to unlock it (seventeen credits, in fact). Let me know if you’ve been enjoying the series!

Until next time, Keep Your Mind in the Gutter!

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