I Guess we can Call it a Plan…

I’ve been trying to come up with some ideas of things to blog about. I mean, I can talk and talk, but I should give making some sense a chance once in a while, amirite? While Googling around the Internets, I came across an intriguing blog post on Mixtus Media. It’s 100 NEW Blog Topics for Fiction Writers.

Now that sounds like something a girl can work with!

I’m not sure I’ll get to the whole 100, but as long as I try, I’ll have some content to pump out. More importantly, It will be a load of fun.

So many good ideas…I barely know where to start. I’m legit excited about it. Especially since I’m trying to write a few blog posts in advance on the weekends to keep me up to date for some time.

A Little Something to Get Started

15. Share the best writing advice you’ve ever gotten.

I’m going to have to say, the best piece of advice I’ve gotten is to JUST WRITE. Don’t stop. Just keep going. If a section of your story has you stuck, skip it and go to another part that will flow. The rest will come in time. And your first draft is just your first draft. It isn’t meant to be a masterpiece.

Also, write what you’re into. Write a book you’d like to read yourself if you weren’t the one writing it. Someone out there will enjoy it just as much as you do.

Just don’t worry. Make it fun. It should be a good time. Will it stress you out sometimes? HELL YES. But that’s okay. All writers go through THE STRUGGLE. You’re in good company.

Going Forward from Here

Right now, I’m dropping a post at least Mondays at 10:00 AM, EST. I hope you stop by then and find out a little more about what I’m working on!

In the meantime, catch a bit of my ongoing work, The Last Fae, here. It’s a little bit I particularly enjoyed writing that I hope you have fun with, too!

Until next time.