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A Short Story

Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.

–H. L. Mencken

Lt. Margaret “Mags” O’Reilly is always ready for a fight. She’s been on the fields of battle against the other-worldly invaders, the O’okara, for most of her adult life. At her side is Pryce, a human-O’okara hybrid bred in a scientist’s lab, who is also her best friend. Companionship is no stranger to them, but when the pair becomes stuck together in the decontamination chamber, secrets between them are exposed.

Faced with a truth she’s not ready to hear, Mags has to decide if she wants to give in to newfound hungers, risking the chance of losing the only person she has ever trusted. Or will she face the reality that, as a soldier in an unending war, there is no place or time to give your heart?

An erotic novelette set in a post-apocalyptic world feel with death and destruction, yet a light of hope.

Available for FREE on Amazon (for a limited time)


A Short Story

Pleasures of the flesh bring Fae magic to bloom. Without proper training from an experienced lover, sex can lead to dangerous consequences.

When Adriana sets her sights on an outsider, she begins the journey to unlocking her inner powers. Mustering every ounce of courage, she comes to Nicolo, an artisan trained in the bed. Will his power and patience, be enough to help her Awaken safely so she can share herself with the one she desires?

Part one of the Lady of the Wood series. An erotic urban fantasy short.

Available now on Smashwords!

Cost: Pay what you want (but still mostly FREE)


A Short Story

Officer Mark Kipper had no idea things that bump in the night were real. After recruitment by Knightcrest’s Department of Supernatural Affairs, he discovers a new level of crimes and misdemeanors. When one particular case sends the agency into a panic, Kip offers himself as bait to help lure out a forgotten evil.

Confronting the attractive demoness fueled by sex and seduction turns into a frenzied fight of life or death. Can Kip combat the desire mounting inside of him long enough to escape the clutches of a powerful, ancient being?

Download now at Smashwords!

Cost: Pay what you want (but mostly FOR FREE)

The Last Fae, Part II

The Preview of the Saga Continues

Sorceress Erica, At your Service

First of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I’m going to see if I can get around to writing a frightening delicious quickie this afternoon, but I got up early to come into the office, so I’m fully zonked. We shall see!

Also, I apparently woke up in a parallel universe where the Nationals won the World Series. This has to be a different, very peculiar timeline. Right? Why couldn’t it be the Orioles? MEH.

Anyway, let’s get back to what this post is supposed to be about.

Yesterday, I started with the skinny on how The Last Fae even came to be a thing. This time, I want to talk about what it is. It’s all about the meat and potatoes, right?

The Setting

The story takes place in a fictional area of Florida called Knightcrest. Now I think about it, I’m not sure what Knightcrest is exactly. As I mentioned, my friend Thommy came up with the world originally. Huh. Anyway, the city itself is called New Selene, a touristy beach town that serves as one the most supernatural hot spots in the world. I guess that would make Knightcrest the county? Hmmm….That’s what I’m going with.

New Selene is lousy with vampires and were-people. Those two groups of supernaturals dominate the city with an uneasy peace between the two. Honestly, I wouldn’t even say it’s all that peaceful, but at least it’s not all out war.

There are other beings afoot, though. There are a few demons, old gods, and a singular Fae.

Kay Knightstone, The Last Fae

About 2000 years prior to the story, the Fae disappeared leaving only on of their princes behind, Prince Cathan. He wandered aimlessly for a very long time, even briefly losing himself to madness. Luckily, one of the oldest of vampires, The Persian, helped him back from insanity.

After some years of switching between hiding out as a hermit and returning to the human society, Prince Cathan decided to take up the identity of Kain “Kay” Knightstone, a very talented toy-maker. He makes quite the living off of his creations. Kay gets a certain amount of pleasure out of his toys. The rich flock to them and he gives the toys life so he can torment them.

Despite having mostly everything he needs or wants, Kay is a lonely being. While surrounded by fantastical beings, it’s not the same as his own kind. He feels no connection to the world or any of the people in it. It isn’t until fate brings him to Dena that things begin to change.

Dena Johnson, Where Hope Falls

A simple girl from Baltimore.

At least as far as she knows.

Gentle and kind, full of life and mischief, Kay finds himself immediately drawn to her the moment they meet. He doesn’t know why he finds himself drawn to a human like this, but he continues to flock to her over and over again to the point of obsession.

It turns out she is the key to unlocking the realms and helping bring back the rest of the daemon back into the human world. Also, by doing so, the door to Avalon could be unlocked, allowing Kay access to the Elder Fae who fled before the rest of his kind were wiped from the planet.

The process would cost her life.

The Bond

Kay and Dena have various obstacles in their way. First of all, her being thousands of years younger would be an extreme deterrent on his part. However, that doesn’t turn him away. The fact she’s in a committed relationship with David, a young, handsome college jock, doesn’t squash the attraction between the two. And, of course, there is the glaring fact she is merely human while he is one of the most powerful beings on the planet.

Nothing can stop the powerful blossoming friendship between the pair. No matter how much they realize it’s ultimately going to be a problem.

Joseph Mamm: Puppeteer Behind the Scenes

The real problem is Joseph Mamm, the King of Hell left behind when the daemon fled the mortal plane. He uses the pair as a pawn in his plan to bring his people back. He’ll stop at nothing. And he knows the fact if he brings the Daemon back, he can open the world to the Fae, which would be enticing to the lonely Prince. Mamm, along with his associate, Dominik, maneuver the two so they can be used as the beacon in the dark, lighting the others’ way home.

That’s the gist of what is happening in The Last Fae. It’s fantastical, dark urban fantasy fun, with more than a sprinkling of smut mixed in. I’ll be posting a bit of the story as I go along for Nano, especially the dirty bits. Be on the look out!

The Last Fae

My 2019 NaNoWriMo Project

NaNoWriMo starts this Friday. I’m part excited and part nervous, but I’m sure anyone planning to participate is feeling the same twitterpation. Ho boy.

Luckily, my outline at the ready and a couple of character profiles written, which puts me way further ahead in the process than I’ve been in the past for NaNo. Hell, I’ve only ever fully written out one other novel’s outline in all my years of writing.

However, I never finished that book, though. Certainly another journey to work on, I guess.

Since the day is right around the corner, I’ll post about The Last Fae, my project for NaNo (and probably for the rest of the year). I’ve had this story in mind for the better part of a decade. In fact, this story is the reason I started dating my husband so many moons ago. So this story is particularly close to my heart.

How the Last Fae Came to Be

Years ago, one of my good friends Thommy introduced me to a world he created along with some friends. A world filled with mystery and magic set in modern times. He wound up creating a forum RPG for his world and invited me to join.

Real talk? I was hesitant. Your resident Smut Writer does enjoy a good video game, but I never tried anything close to a pen-and-paper RPG before. Didn’t know how to work it and I was terrified of looking/sounding like an idiot.

After some coaxing, I gave in. He offered for me to play one of his characters, Cossette, an old vampire in service of one of the much older vampires, The Persian.  Cossette is a tough woman with a mouth full of filth. So…my kind of lady. If I remember correctly, I played her timid, though, despite her background.

I’ll admit, I was uncomfortable playing with someone else’s creation. The intense fear of fucking up made it hard for me to really get into it. I mean, it was fun, don’t get me wrong. Just not as fun as it could be.

Eventually, I made a character. In fact…I made ME into a character.

I felt like I was taking a risk inserting myself as a character into his story. I thought everyone would think it was stupid (if you couldn’t tell, I have self-esteem problems). But, there she was, Erica from Baltimore who followed her friend, Juanita, to a fictional Florida vacation town called New Selene.

As an aside, years later, I wound up really having a friend named Juanita, though I’d be surprised if she moved to the most supernatural-filled town in North America.

HIMMM (How I Met My Mans)

Did I mention there was this cute guy who followed me to the game? Yeah, I had an online guy friend named Nate that joined in on the fun. He and I met on a Transformers forum, of all places. Keep in mind, I wasn’t a Transformers fan at the time, but I had friends who were.

Feels like a lifetime ago now.

Cute Guy Nate made up a character named Kain, a horror-bunny Fae creature that became one of the most powerful beings in the fantasy world. Kain was drawn to Erica, and vice-versa. Their stories intertwined over years of delicious, supernatural drama.

In real life, CGN moved from the West Coast to my way and we got hitched. It’s been 13 years now. Thankfully, he hasn’t turned into a scary, green bunny yet, but I kind of expect it any day now. Hah.

Somehow his character became the main focus of the story I’m crafting now (or rather will be starting on 11/1/19). I have a lot of that delicious drama planned for those two. Should be quite a ride.

Part 2 of this should be coming sometime tomorrow. Get to know Kay Knightstone and his lady love, Dena (yeah, I didn’t want to continue calling her Erica, considering what happens to her. YOU’LL SEE.)


Fast and Dirty, Just Like you Like It

Don’t forget to read my writing page to get the skinny on the eggplant ratings!

Quickie 2: Mistress | Quickie 3: Fingers | Quickie 4: Birthday Stuff | Quickie 5: Chocolate Treat | Quickie 6: Sweet-Tooth

Quickie 1: Red Delicious


Her tongue rolled over her deliciously full red lips in a smooth motion.  The movement said it all.  She liked the taste of him and wanted even the last drop.  She ran a finger underneath her bottom lip then brought it to her mouth, sucking away the left-overs.  That wonderfully wet-glossy mouth spread into a smile of the darkest delights.

“Did you like that?” she whispered as her hands moved up his inner thighs.

He could only nod at first, finding his breath lost in ecstasy.  Their eyes met. His were glazed and sleepy; hers darkly mischievous.  The man knew that she could see into his soul and knew everything he had to hide.  He had wanted this, but not like this. Still, he couldn’t lie.

“Yeah, I liked it.” he murmured.

She maneuvered her body between his stretched legs, sliding her arms around his waist and putting her chin into his chest.  He watched her head bob up and down with his breath even though he desperately wanted to look away.  But she demanded his attention and he gave it fully.

“Anytime you want,” she said then licked those full lips, again, “all you have to do is ask.”

Her hand reached over the spilled contents of her purse.  She grabbed a white card. 

“All you have to do is call,” she told the man as she ran the card along his arm.

She placed the card inside of his exposed tank top beneath an opened silk shirt.  With a fluid movement, the woman stood from the couch.  His eyes followed her with an ache.  He didn’t want to be alone.  Not after all of the exquisite delight she had given.  She wouldn’t stay and he knew it.  He couldn’t let her stay even if she had been willing.

When she turned away, he closed his eyes.  There was a stinging behind them that frightened him.  He wouldn’t cry in front of her.  He couldn’t.

“I’m not going to call you,” he told her, finally. His voice wavered in his own ears

She turned to him with that smile, “Okay.”

The woman sounded like she didn’t believe him.  As she walked out of the door to the home, he had to admit to himself that he didn’t believe it either.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Written Works of EricaB

Ready for a quick, smutty read?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

My stories come in several different categories and ratings:

  • Quickies: Just a little blurb of a story at less than 1,000 words. Usually quite dirty and to the point.
  • Short Stories: Stories that are a little more involved, somewhere between 5,001 and 20,000 words. Most likely dirty, but it may just of a romantic variety without the smut. These are works published elsewhere like Smashwords.
  • Excerpts: A bit of one of my longer stories I’m working on (with hopes and dreams of completion). Likely to be a long read riddled with appropriate inappropriateness.
  • In progress: My current BIG project. Character bios, wild ideas and excerpts are all equally possible. Most likely won’t be dirty, but you never know!


Innocent: Romantic, but devoid of smuttiness. Nothing wrong with a little romance once in a while!

Dirty: Most of the smuttiness is hinted at, but not super descriptive. Best read with a glass of red wine.

Filthy: D**ks and T**ts flying everywhere and going into all kinds of places. Probably NSFW. This is cigar and whiskey sort of stuff, friend!


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