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Cosmic Cons for Love and Profit

A Serial Story available on Amazon Vella

On 2/11/23, I released the first three episodes of my newest story, Cosmic Cons for Love and Profit. My plan is to update the story once a week. Please stop by Vella to give it a read. Keep in mind, you can’t read them from the Amazon App, but you can read them online.

In a future where mankind has colonized the solar system and mysticism still prevails, Raekah Merrin is a con artist scamming people as a psychic. When a bounty is put on her head, she must return to her guardian but finds herself caught up in her biggest scam yet. Pursued by three men, she must navigate a dangerous and romantic landscape while trying to survive and find love. With secrets, lies, and desires at every turn, she finds that the con of a lifetime may lead to adventure.

Though the first three episodes are free, I still get a couple of cents for every episode read, episode and story likes. So, if you could, it would really help me out if you have time to do so. I appreciate any and all hook-ups.

For now, though, you can check out the first episode RIGHT NOW!

Episode 1: In Space, No One Can Hear You Brew

Raekah Merrin was hard at work in the small laboratory on her spaceship, The Laveau. Beakers and test tubes, bubbling and steaming with brightly colored brews, filled the tiny room. Shelves lined the walls with exotic plants and glass containers of long dead critters floating in fluid.

She sat at the center console, grinding up black seeds in a pestle and mortar, making a thick paste. Once she had it to the consistency she wanted, she grabbed a bowl of steaming red liquid, bringing it closer to her.

Altair, her AI companion, hovered nearby, watching her closely. “Raekah, are you sure you know what you’re doing? Those two items together are very dangerous for the human digestive system.”

Raekah turned to him, a smirk on her face. “You worry way too much, Altair. I’ve got this under control.”

But Altair wasn’t convinced. As she added the paste to the liquid, it popped and fizzed suspiciously. He floated closer, his eyes fixed on the mixture in the bowl. He raised a thin brow at her while he pursed his lips. “You’re not even sure what you’re making. That client who wants it could put his kid’s life in danger.”

Raekah just rolled her eyes. “Hey, the client pays, I deliver. That’s the way it’s always worked. No one has died on our watch yet.” She reached to her left, grabbing a new, empty container to pour her potion into. She gave Altair a wry smile. “Don’t make me rewrite your program to mellow you out.”

It was his turn to smirk. “The purchase agreement you made says you are legally not allowed to change my matrix.”

She huffed with laughter. “And I always follow the rules?” After waving at him dismissively, she turned back to the brew and continued the job at hand.

Continue on page 2

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Tools of His Trade

Her Majesty’s Courtesan Part I

Princess Cesaire is hunting for a Royal Courtesan, and Ehrol has every intention of being her choice. A message from afar gives him the key to slinking into her bedroom. However, Ehrol is out of practice with her particular choice of pleasure. With only hours to spare, he and his best friend, Ashuli, dust off his tools to relearn his technique.

While the Phryne prepares for the Imperial entourage, Ehrol hones his bedroom skills. Will he be able to capture the magic before his Princess arrives?

Tools of his Trade is a spacefaring, erotica short-story. Part one of Her Majesty’s Courtesan.


A Short Story

Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.

–H. L. Mencken

Lt. Margaret “Mags” O’Reilly is always ready for a fight. She’s been on the fields of battle against the other-worldly invaders, the O’okara, for most of her adult life. At her side is Pryce, a human-O’okara hybrid bred in a scientist’s lab, who is also her best friend. Companionship is no stranger to them, but when the pair becomes stuck together in the decontamination chamber, secrets between them are exposed.

Faced with a truth she’s not ready to hear, Mags has to decide if she wants to give in to newfound hungers, risking the chance of losing the only person she has ever trusted. Or will she face the reality that, as a soldier in an unending war, there is no place or time to give your heart?

An erotic novelette set in a post-apocalyptic world feel with death and destruction, yet a light of hope.

Available for FREE on Amazon (for a limited time)

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