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Fingers on Fire! A Girl Has Stories

When the Writing Won’t Stop

I have been on fire lately. I’ve managed to write almost every day for the last month or so, and it’s been absolutely amazing. Honestly, I wish I could devote more of my day to writing, but I do have a day job. Hey, maybe someday I’ll hit the lotto and can just spend my days creating new works.

It would help if I actually played the lottery…

Anyway, here are all the new things I’ve been working on.

Cosmic Cons for Love and Profit

Cosmic Cons is up to 6 episodes. Not a lot of reads yet, but I’m not expecting a whole lot from that one except my own enjoyment. Don’t forget to check it out on Amazon Vella. The first 3 episodes are free, you know!

Lady Olubayo’s Bordello

Ah, my smutty one-off in the Crimson series. It was my first Vella, which I had abandoned after 5 episodes. However, it bothered me to leave it undone, so I freaking finished it. That’s right, by 3/12/2023, all 8 episodes will be available on Vella. After a month or so, I’ll combine the story and put it on Amazon KDP.

Crimson Series

Hell-Bent is coming on Tuesday! If you haven’t checked it out, I posted a preview on the blog the other day. The story will be available on both Amazon and Smashwords for $2.99.

In celebration of both eBook Week and the new release, The Crimson Series stories are available for either free or half-price on Smashwords. Currently, only Bait is free. That one’s my baby, so I hope you check it out. The promo is good until 3/11/23

In the meantime, enjoy the trailer for Hell-Bent!

Powering Through WORKS!

It’s been rough finally finding a routine that works for me. It’s not perfect by any means, but giving my all to my stories has been a very fulfilling experience. That being said, don’t forget to check back every Monday for a new blog. Next week, I’ll probably write a review of The Queen’s Price by Anne Bishop. I’m praying it makes me less mad than The Queen’s Weapons!

Until next time, my friends. Keep Your Mind in the Gutter!

The Best Laid Plans

Sidetracked. AGAIN.

Well, I had this whole thing written up about the next “big” project I would be working on for a few months. But then, I got sidetracked by the world of Crimson. That world is like a weed. Just when I think I have it under control, it just finds a spot in my brain and starts to grow.

I’m going to have to blame the good dark fantasy stuff that has come out recently. Between The Sandman and House of the Dragon, I’ve been in a very happy place. I mean, both have given me a mega creativity boost and I’m loving it. I’m not sure how much my husband has been enjoying it, though! I don’t mean to neglect you, Nate!

(On the note of HotD: I was super worried I wouldn’t be into Matt Smith playing Daemon Targaryen, but dude is just Slay-All-Day! He’s no longer just my beloved 11th Doctor and I ain’t mad about it.)

Both Bait and Delighted Bite are available on Amazon and Smashwords. Cursed will be dropping next Tuesday, so I’m excited about that. This is the first time I’ve given Xan a real backstory. Hell, I didn’t even know why he was cursed to begin with. I know now, though. It’s not pretty.

On top of that, I’ve decided to give Amazon Vella a shot. Something about writing in a series kind of feels good. It’s about the brothel that Dena’s aunt owned. So far three episodes are up and the next one is due to drop on the 8th. Episodes 1-3 are free. Amazon gives you 200 free tokens upfront. You could use them to read the 4th episode when it releases hint hint.

I have to say, Vella writers are really friggin’ nice. I joined up on a couple of Facebook pages and everyone is really quick to share and like links. I went from no reads to almost 20 reads in less than an hour. It warmed my heart.
I’ll be getting back to my dragon story eventually. Hey, maybe that could be my next Vella project. We’ll have to see.

In the meantime, I’ll be neck-deep into my Crimson stories. Up next will be Hell-Bent which will feature everyone’s favorite blonde devil, Mammon. I have to say, it’s hard getting in the mind of an asshole. WISH ME LUCK!e

Until next time. Keep Your Mind in the Gutter!

An Erica in the Writing Wilds

Creativity Flowing like the Spice Melange

For real, though, I don’t know where this creative burst has come from. It’s been friggin’ insane in my brain for the last couple of weeks. I’m talking about writing, editing, making ebooks…My entire days have been filled with words. I hope they’re decent ones!

By the time you read this, I’ll be back at my day job. I’m expecting my energy to get zapped out of existence. I’m hoping not, but historically, that’s what has happened. But, with any amount of luck, my muse will stay with me.

But these last couple of weeks has been amazing. Even with the pain of my hidradenitis, I’ve been feeling spiritually fulfilled. I’ve loved every second of it, even the times when what I worked on frustrated the hell out of me.

(Ugh, don’t even get me started on the story I’ve been working on for the last three days. It’s done, just not edited.)

So, what have I been up to

I’ve been building my ebook catalog. Some of them were already available, but I wanted to go back in and get some editing done. Plus, they needed updated covers desperately.

If you’d like to purchase any of these books, most of them are available on both Amazon and Smashwords. Tools of his Trade is only available on Kindle Unlimited.

Also, I’ve joined Literotica and Medium for posting a few freebies now and again. So far what I have on Literotica is doing very well. Medium, it’s too soon to tell.

Imparting Knowledge (hopefully)

In addition to writing, I’ve been making videos about things I’ve learned since delving into these projects. So far there are two: Canva vs Snappa for free covers and a quick rundown of getting Premium status on Smashwords (that’s coming tomorrow at 10 AM. Check it out!)

Here is the Canva/Snappa video for your viewing pleasure.

Check out both my YouTube Channels:

I also have a Twitch channel where I stream Fridays at 9PM EST.

Making a more educational video was a struggle at first, but after I got used to recording myself speaking, it wasn’t too bad. The editing of the video took nearly a lifetime. Still, in the end, if it helps someone, it’s well worth the work.

Keeping up with my Mind

I doubt I’ll keep going at my current pace once real life starts kicking in again. Also, I never know when my body is going to be a total jerk and take me down for the count (AGAIN). With any amount of luck, I’ll still feel the creative buzz through me because it truly makes me happy. Writing brings me a lot of joy.

Come back and see me soon! Next week I’ll have another Hidradenitis post for you unless something changes the topic.

Until next time. Keep your Mind in the Gutter!

Tools of His Trade

Her Majesty’s Courtesan Part I

Princess Cesaire is hunting for a Royal Courtesan, and Ehrol has every intention of being her choice. A message from afar gives him the key to slinking into her bedroom. However, Ehrol is out of practice with her particular choice of pleasure. With only hours to spare, he and his best friend, Ashuli, dust off his tools to relearn his technique.

While the Phryne prepares for the Imperial entourage, Ehrol hones his bedroom skills. Will he be able to capture the magic before his Princess arrives?

Tools of his Trade is a spacefaring, erotica short-story. Part one of Her Majesty’s Courtesan.

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