My Current Project

I’ve been working on a story off and on for the last few years. For the longest time, I called it “Dragon’s Bond,” but at the advice of someone smarter than I am, I have been trying to think up a better name. I can’t say I’m 100% set on this particular title. It is starting to grow on me.
So, what’s it about?
The kingdoms of Ostea and cKustreiland have been at war for 100 years. Now that both kingdoms are on a decline and each has something the other needs for their society, they’ve called a truce. To solidify the peace, the heir of Ostea is set to marry the princess from Kustreiland. As a show of good faith, the countries bring their courts to a central location for the largest festival ever seen.
Armen is the younger of the two Ostean princes. He, like the rest of the court, is excited about this massive meeting. With him is his own betrothed, Demma. Until his brother is wed, he is not able to join in his own union, much to both of their disappointment.
The royal houses go on a hunt during the festival, where they are ambushed by malicious fairies. During tight, Armen finds a woman unconscious in the woods.
She is a dragini, a dragon cursed into human form. He attempts to save her as well as himself from the rogue pixies, however, he is wounded. The dragini woman comes to quickly enough to protect him, but in the process their blood mingles, bonding them in ways they could never imagine.
It’s an intensely intimate connection neither of them can shake off, causing a great deal of friction in relationships around them.
There’s more. A lot more. But this is the gist of how it gets started.
Tidbits of artwork
I was lucky enough to get to play with Dalle 2. I’m not saying how good AI is getting is scary, but…
Here are some images Dalle and I came up with for important characters.

Prince Armen of Ostea
This isn’t totally accurate as to the way I imagine him, but it’s not bad
- He has steel gray eyes
- He only has a goatee, not a beard
- His hair is a lighter shade and is in braids
Armen is very close to his brother, Heygan. Since he’s the spare, he never had as many responsibilities as his older brother. This led to Armen spending a fair bit of time with Demma growing up. Eentually the pair fell in love.
He is a sensitive soul with a kind heart. And he is very inexperienced with lifie beyond the castle walls.

Lady Demma
Lady Demma is Armen’s childhood best friends. Since she is the daughter of the high general, Gloin, she spent a great deal of time with the royal family.
She and Armen are deeply in love with each other and can’t wait to get married.
Since she is the daughter of the best general, she’s pretty good in a fight herself.
The picture is pretty accurate, actually. I was really impressed.

Iserri the Dragini
Half transformed between a human and a dragon, Iserri winds up being magically bonded with Prince Armen. It’s against both of their wills and they both hate being bonded together.
I’ll tell you more about the Dragini at a later date. It’s…involved.
Her look isn’t quite right.
- Her hair is more like strips of scaled skin
- Green skin coated in soft, shimmery scales
- Golden serpent eyes.
- Probably doesn’t have horns, but after looking at this picture, she very well might going forward.

Pividi, the Dragon Queen
She’s not actually a main character for the story, but I loved how this image turned out, so I wanted to include it.
Pividi is an ancient dragon queen who crowned the warrior Ostea as the king to lead her people. As you may guess, he is one of Armen’s ancestors.
This comes into play during the story.
Writing it all down
I started this for NaNo 2017. Yeah…I should have finished it y now, but I haven’t. It’s being worked on. Luckily, I have a couple of chapters ready to go. I’ll be posting Armen and Iserri’s meeting next time. After that, we’ll see!
In the meantime, you can catch up on my other works. Or, you could explore my absolutely tragic back story.
Until next time. Keep your mind in the gutter.